Artist, explorer, convivial mystic.
@WeSeeThisNow.eth launched their entrancing genesis collection on October 30th 2021…and ever since then it has continued to build at a steady pace. Ok let’s get in to the details, because a lot of thought has gone into the creation of this collection.

Greatest City in the Whirled Collection

First, there is a total of 80 1/1 NFT manipulated photographs each with its own personal reflection included by @WeSeeThisNow.

Swimming in Stone by @WeSeeThisNow on OpenSea marketplace

Accompanying the ‘Swiming in Stone’ artwork is a reflection by the artist that brings their own fingerprint to bear on the elliptical photographic layers.

Personal reflection for Swimming in Stone by @WeSeeThisNow

Memories, Dreams and Reflections draws you into the centre of its vortex before revealing a lattice ripple of spades that intersect our eyes.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections on OpenSea

Memories, Dreams and Reflections is an abstraction making it difficult to fathom where the buildings meet. Where is the sky introduced? …and how an earth the cyclical patterns are so seamlessly handshaking with each other. A looot of effort has gone in to the technicals of each image, and those technicals are shared with us. As the collection evolves, these % will change too.

The first collection starts at 0.1 eth and each quad (group of four) is then introduced at a slightly higher price. The first four are your best bet on the genesis collection of @WeSeeThisNow.

You can ask questions about the art process and follow along as new drops are announced by turning on notifications on @WeSeeThisNow’s Twitter profile.

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