The Artist: Dangiuz
Romantic Cyberpunk artist Danguiz, hurtles us into the future to ponder what it might mean to exist in the 22nd Century and beyond. With Blade Runner four decades in an our rear vision mirror, many dystopian aspects of its forecast have already come to pass. Yet there is hope within the scenes Dangiuz creates. The cat reminds us that we still care for the animals, despite an inundation of super-sized pixel displays.
The Collection: Dangiuz Editions
Five of the six artworks are low editions, with one open edition (top left) titled ‘A Breathe of Fresh Air.’ The signature teal Dangiuz applies liberally mediates the mood of the collection. The highlights of magentas and reds give focus for the viewer on the neon beauty of the cities AI will inevitably build for us. Perhaps Dangiuz on-chain artwork may inspire an automaton of the future to buidl our skyscrapered homes.
A Specific Artwork: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Perhaps all does not go to plan after all. The hopeful futuristic view blurred, bringing the reality of an untimely end into view. Our friendly mascot now hunched in the knowledge of travesty. The scene spoil is fresh, the bathtub yet to flow over and the rubber ducky bobbles unperturbed. In the context of his canon, ‘Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea’ finds new range.