
Natural Fractals

Fractal patterns are all around us because nature is made from fractal shapes. Look at those trees or the streams that meander towards the coastline, they are naturally occurring fractal patterns. Mountain ranges, clouds and of course, seashells are all fractals too. A fractal is simply a never ending pattern. Computers are good at creating […]

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What The Fur? (WTF)

Many giga brain blockchain artists offer more to delve in to than the face value of art. My @TwoBitBears Itzel & Karkai had a new baby on their bearsgiving camping trip! Please welcome bright-eyed lil' Kilo Farmer… Uncle Fvck & Deafbeef Aoki also came to join in the celebration flowers can be sent to […]

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Brick by Brick

LegoPunks appealed to a couple of strongly held beliefs MintFace has. 1) LEGO is the ultimate IRL building block. With bricks as your raw material, you can build almost anything. 2) Punks are rebels. The ones that go left when everyone else is following orders to go right. LegoPunks embody two of my favourite ideas […]

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