Roads are for travelling. You choose the route and speed of your journey on your way to the next destination.
Rivers go with the flow. You surrender to its course and travel at the pace of its drift.
Throughout our lives, there are times we travel roads and times we go with the flow of the river. Wen the two overlap, you get to decide which way you go.
Free Roads and Rivers mint
‘Traffic’ is a free mint for all MintFace collectors from the last 18 months, who can attest to a MintFace created artwork in their wallet.
Claim ‘Roads and Rivers – Traffic’ by Mintface.
Roads and Rivers collection
The Roads and Rivers collection speaks through conceptual art at a concept all of of will wrestle with… often many times throughout our lives. When to mission and when to flow?
“Roads are for travelling… no matter the weather.”
“Rivers go with the flow… where we surrender and become part of our environment.”
Collection size: 30 artworks (25 stills, 5 motion)
Eth: 0.25 ea
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View Roads and Rivers on OpenSea