Open Call for Punks with Lore
We are looking for the top 69 Punks with lore. A story that is so memorable, hilarious or downright eye watering…that it must be memorialised on The Line. The owner of punk is not as important as the lore… so the applications will be judged on the merit of the lore not the rarity and notoriety of the holder…although the two often overlap.
Punk Lore might be something personal to how you ended up with your punk… it may be something the punk was featured in… it could be something that happened to your punk.
The Burnt Punk Lore

ROBNESS acquired Punk #2317 on July 12th 2021 for 18.9 eth. 24 hours later the punk was ‘burnt’ by sending it to the Ethereum burn address.

Share Your Punk Lore
Add your lore to the form below or tweet @mintfaced. The top 69 stories will be added to The Line along with the corresponding punk.