The Artist: gingerpotter

Gingerpotter explores what it means to co-exist in both the digital and physical world. Through ‘blank characters’ we introduced to human moments experienced in either the digital or physical world. ‘We are trying to understand who to be in the digital world and how to be in the physical world.’ says gingerpotter, ‘everything might be bigger than the individual but the individual stands out.

"The dominant narrative in my work recently, is that one of the most prominent struggles of our age is 'digital versus the physical.' In 100 years people will be talking about this clash.

The Collection: Digitized

The Digitized collection is a sold out collection that shows the disconnection with the physical world that digitization brings. ‘OI’ is replaced with ‘AI’ cleverly included in one of the artworks exploring the meaning of intelligence. ‘LOOK UP’ presents our melted attention for pixels as the world around us fades into obscurity. 

"Over the last three or four years, a lot of artists have felt the pressure of not reaching a certain goal like minting a collection or sell a certain artwork. Those are things that are unhealthy obsessive. Trying to make that sale no matter what. Dwelling on that. Instead, focus on the art. I have been creating things that I want to create and are fun to do. That's where actual sales come in. It;s a very strange balance to find."

A Specific Artwork: The Digital Cave

“Based on Plato’s cave, if you know the allegory. People are inside the cave and see shadows of objects and never se anything else but shadows on the cave wall. They don’t know that there are actual three dimensional objects.” gingerpotter. Gingerpotter cleverly observes that 3D objects are turning into 2D files and our lives are increasingly a collection of files and folders. His art asks the viewer to evaluate whether they have struck the right balance of living in the physical world and digital world.

"It amazes me that 3000 years ago Plato wrote of these things that still echo today. 'The Digital Cave' is part of a larger collection called 'Modern Echoes' based on very old allegories."

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