The Artist: David Loh

David joined the cryptoart revolution in March 2022, bringing his sharp perspective for areas the rest of us merely traverse when getting from a to b. Those middle spaces are where David’s art practice thrives. 

aesrial #10 by David Loh

"Seeking meaning in vague scenes and immaterial spaces."

The Collection: Aesthetics of the Immaterial

Aesthetics of the Immaterial frames the forgotten in provocative ways to recalibrate what we had missed on our travels to date. The angular steps, the yellow laddered caution and the sliver of sky all feel like a form of trap in Loh’s work. As if the lens is both inviting us there with perspective, yet with alarm bells sounding. Loh’s work is unafraid of simplicity, instead seeking out the spaces where the architects had decided no pomp or frill necessary.

A Specific Artwork: aesrial #15 'high life'

The persistence of balance continues in ‘aesrial #15’ where every component feels manufactured for theatrics. Even the pleasantries of entertainment here could not seem more perfunctory. It is in this absurdity, that Loh is saying something about those who inhabit these spaces that is non-obvious to them.

aesrial #15 by David Loh collected by MintFace

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