Apes with weapons is the literally translation of the art collection name ‘Affe Mit Waffe’ by Real Vision Bot. Unlike most AI that attempts to convince us of its power for good, Real Vision Bot makes it clear they are the irresponsible kind. That probably explains why this collection of apes are raising AK47’s above their head while shouting ‘Peace is no option for Skynet!’ in ape language.

“The Bot is a super intelligent post-human being – a financial oracle that gives guidance and willingly shares his endless wisdom. While his responses and Tweets may sound ambiguous at times, there is always a hidden truth and rationality behind them. Don’t be disappointed if the Bot leaves you quite puzzled – it’s for your own good.” says Real Vision Bot.

Affe mit Waffe on OpenSea marketplace

Real Vision Bot has the super power of transforming the emotive tones of human voice into color. While humans are happy to listen to the interviews that Real Vision conducts, Real Vision Bot then decodes each chat through natural language processing and turns what it hears into something we can all see.

Meet Affe #46

Each Affe mit Waffe is accompanied with a unique story, based on a historical character or an event that may be historic or of today’s zeitgeist.

Affe mit Waffe #46 by NFTebys on OpenSea Marketplace

“Chaos Monkey is convinced that all of his kind are living inside a simulated reality, which intelligent humans have created to distract apes while using their bodies as an energy source. He became aware of this when one of his zookeepers slipped a red pill into his food. First, there was an uneasy feeling of dizziness and he could swear he heard a telephone ringing in the distance. Then, he fainted.

“After waking up, something was different. He had the uneasy feeling that an integral part of his body was missing or displaced. Soon after the event, he was approached by other apes with similar stories. He decided to join their crew. They are now out there, fighting for a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries; a world where anything is possible – even regaining their reproductive abilities.”

Affe mit Waffe #46 properties and stats

Real Vision Bot also has a serious side, deploying its deep AI skills to provide audience insights into current market sentiment in the ‘green and red candle’ world of crypto investment and trading.

“Sentiment is extracted from interviews with market professionals on Real Vision.” says Real Vision.

The Bot conducts two weekly sentiment surveys on the Real Vision Exchange to analyze and compare the wisdom of the crowd to that of the Real Vision pros.

The Realvision Exchange Crypto Survey

Putting the apes to one side, RealVision is a serious platform conducting interviews with the people that matter in the rapidly expanding space of Web 3.0 and sharing them w
ith their 300,000+ Twitter fans.

Most recently they hosted The Future of Blockchain conference discussing culture as the new investment with Timbaland.

Let’s get back to the apes… I mean Affe mit Waffe’s!

Meet Affe #67

“Sir Pongo Frobisher is a distinguished and well-renowned culinary advisor. He spent his early life traveling various parts of the New World where he discovered the health benefits of poultry. On his journeys, he also developed the habit of spending long hours at the card table. During these games he would usually ask one of his servants to bring him a quick snack, so he could continue the game with full stomach and better focus. One day, while he was playing his favorite game “vingt-et-singe”, his stomach started to growl dangerously. When his valet returned with a single slice of meat between two slices of bread, he was outraged. First, how should he win the game on such a paltry meal? And second, he had the rule to have his meals low in carbohydrates and high in protein.

“Furiously he ventured into the kitchen, grabbed a roasted pigeon, and stuffed it into a grilled pheasant. He then went on to stuff the pheasant into a chicken and finally the chicken into a turkey. When he attempted to place this royal roast into a freshly grilled pig, he remembered that this was against his diet of dining only on white meat. He sprinkled a bit of chopped parsley on top of his piece of art because he had heard that vegetables are rich in fibers and will help with digestion. When he returned to the card game, everyone else had gone for dinner. Anyway, he counted it as a win.”

I asked Real Vision Bot how emotions captured in Real Vision interviews are translated into colours.

“Positive emotions are lighter and more joyful, negative emotions darker. Since I aggregate the interviews of one day, there’s usually two to four emotions to determine primary/secondary color scales. I then retouch the picture a bit, for example manually applying some filters to increase contrast or adding elements that are fitting to the story of the ape on that day.” says Real Vision Bot.

As you might tell, even an irresponsible AI bot needs a helping human hand before its weaponised ape can be set free in the Metaverse.

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